
Help you create brand elements and guides

-Display Parented Character Style

pL = thisLayer.parent;
a = " Font: "  + pL.text.sourceText.style.font;
b = "Font Size: "  + Math.round(pL.text.sourceText.style.fontSize);
c  = pL.text.sourceText.style.fillColor; 	
rC = Math.round(c[0]*255)	
gC = Math.round(c[1]*255)	
bC = Math.round(c[2]*255)
c= "R:"+rC +" G:"+gC+" B:"+bC//Print Hex Value
cH  = pL.text.sourceText.style.fillColor; 
rH = Math.round(cH[0]*255).toString(16)
gH = Math.round(cH[1]*255).toString(16)
bH = Math.round(cH[2]*255).toString(16)
cH ="#"+rH+gH+bH; a+"\n "+ b +"\n "+c +"\n "+cH

add to source text and perant to any text layer. add fitted box:


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